September Plan With Me

Welcome to my September Plan With Me! This month I’m going to be getting into a lot more detail about how I plan my monthly spreads and my planning process.

Grocery shopping on a budget

How I spend £20 a week on food! So I’m a college student, and I have been for five years now (four years of undergrad, now another four of postgrad! It’s like I enjoy suffering or something) and if there’s one thing that college students struggle with, it’s definitely grocery shopping. When I first left…

August: Plan with me

Hello my lovelies! So, it’s been a while, but I’m bringing back an old-school Plan With Me post! My planning style has changed so much since the last time I wrote about this (cough cough November cough) so I thought I’d share it with you all. First up is my monthly cover page, which is…

Happy mail 101: Craft ideas

Today I’m sharing with you some of my favourite things to send in happy mail, and how you can make them too!

Happy Mail 101: Getting started!

Hello my lovelies! As many of you know from reading about my adventures in journaling, I love writing by hand. When I discovered the snail mail/happy mail communities I was thrilled, and eager to get started!

Graze box review

Hello my lovelies! Today I’ll be blogging about something a bit different; my favourite study snacks! A year ago I was studying for my final university exams and I found myself browsing supermarket shelves and loading up on the worst kind of junk food – sugary sweets, crisps, biscuits and chocolate. Not only was I…

Setting up my new bullet journal

A question I get asked a lot about my bullet journal is what would you change? I’m constantly re-assessing how I use my bujo and I often look back on spreads from just a few months ago and wonder what on earth I was thinking when I tried to use them.

My secret scrapbooking habit… revealed!

Over the summer I was working on a big crafting project: my college memory scrapbook. Now that it’s finally finished, I thought I’d give you a mini tour, plus some ideas about how I plan my scrapbook pages and content using my bullet journal.

Travel planning in a bullet journal

This will be a quick post today, because I’m going on a trip soon! I’m visiting my old university town to see some friends. It’s only for the weekend, but I thought it would be nice to make a little plan for it in my bullet journal.

Leuchtturm1917 Review

So as you all know, I currently use a Leuchtturm1917 notebook for my bullet journal. However I’ve had a lot of questions about it recently so I thought since it’s coming up to three months since I bought it, I’d write a little mini review of it!

November plan with me

I loved the autumn colours of last month, but this brighter tone is great for the run up to Christmas (and yes, I’m planning for Christmas already!) Make sure you read to the end to get your FREE printable November colouring page!